Sunday 28 February 2016

Auto-login Script to connect to Internet using ISP or other portal.

When you use a cable internet in India, your biggest problem is not speed.. cause speed is very stable.
The problem is when u need your computer to stay online and it just disconnects.. and you have to login again through their portal.

I have wishnet and when I put something on download at night, I wake up the next morning to find somewhere around 2 in the night I got disconnected.
Or in case you are stake mining, you need your PC online 24/7.

Even if you Alliance, Sity cable internet or any other ISP's net connection that requires you to login every time you need to connect- this will be very helpful.

So I wrote this quick python script to keep an eye on my net connection and reconnect me when I get disconnected.
Just change the ID or class parameters to suit your needs.

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